Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
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Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
Матеріали базового навчання для кандидатів на участь у РЕГІОНЕТ викладено на порталі мережі у вільному доступі
Відеозаписи, зроблені мережею РЕГІОНЕТ: власні заходи та заходи партнерів мережі
Для того, щоб краще розуміти потреби своїх читачів редакція вирішила, що не буде розміщувати електронну версію журналу у бібліотеках, а розповсюджувати журнал методами дірект мейлу – безкоштовно розсилати лише тим, хто заповнив «Заявку» за посиланням: Goo.gl/pHE3AF
Сьогодні вийшов журнал «Стратегія розвитку» №5, який включає наступні статті:
В'ячеслав НЕГОДА. Перший заступник Міністра регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України
Vyacheslav Nehoda. First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine
The dynamics of the voluntary amalgamation of hromadas demonstrate an active support for the decentralization reform: 665 amalgamated hromadas have already been established from 3118 local councils. That is, almost 28% of the former local councils have already merged into more capable communities. One of the tools which the government made available for the development of the territories, and which motivates the formation of the amalgamated hromadas, has become financial decentralization.
Юрій Третяк. Керівник Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Yuri TRETYAK. Technical Team Leader, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The main document for the development of the European Union for the period 2014–2020 is the «European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth «Europe 2020». The EU states have identified five goals in the following areas: employment, innovative development, education, social integration, climate, energy. Integrated strategies for smart specialization should respond to complex development challenges by adapting development policies to the regional context.
Маттіас Моргнер. Керівник з питань управління діяльністю Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Matthias MORGNER. Managerial Team Leader, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The term «Open Data» – is becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and Ukraine is no exception to these trends. Since 2015, the government has created a legal and institutional framework for the use of open data. The widespread use of open data will not allow hiding or delaying the exchange of information as a tool for power struggle and influence. And the resources released as a result of reducing the need for processing information can be used to monitor and interpret data.
Сергій Максименко. Заступник керівника Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Serhiy MAKSYMENKO. Deputy Technical Team Leader/Institutional Development Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The EU is trying to rethink the policy of cohesion, including in the context of new challenges that Europe has faced in recent years and decades – economic, financial, political and demographic. It is the policy of cohesion that is a cornerstone, thanks to which it is possible to materialize the common values declared by the EU and the common goals of the member states.
![]() Анжела МАЛЮГА. Керівник секретаріату Комітету з питань державного будівництва, регіональної політики та місцевого самоврядування Верховної Ради України Angela Malyuha. Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine |
![]() Людмила ДАМЕНЦОВА. Заступник директора Центрального офісу впровадження децентралізаційної реформи Асоціації міст України Lyudmila Damentsova. Deputy Director of the Central Office for the Implementation of the Decentralization Reform, Association of Ukrainian Cities |
Today in many countries there is a gap between the development of cities and regions - therefore, it is urgent to involve universities and their human resources in working with local authorities. Because it is the universities that will be able to «impose» advanced changes and innovations that contribute to innovative development. Only through the synergy of interaction between politics and practice, involving all interested stakeholders at the local level, the barrier of mistrust can be overcome and innovative investments can be attracted in the regions.
Хосе Луїс Сервера. Радник з питань моніторингу регіональних показників Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Jose Luis CERVERA. Advisor on Monitoring of Regional Development, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The availability of regional statistics that allow for the analysis of convergence and differences between EU regions is a prerequisite for the development of a national policy for regional and european development. Regional statistics have become an integral part of the institutional framework for integrated development used to establish the level of funding from EU funds. Ukrainian regional statistics will be compared with regional statistical data of EU regions only if they comply with EU standards.
Анатолій Ткачук. Радник з питань координації та планування регіонального розвитку Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою», директор з питань науки та розвитку ГО «Інститут громадянського суспільства»
Anatoliy TKACHUK. Regional Policy/Legal Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Director on Science and Development, Institute of Civil Society
In Ukraine there are two laws: the law «On the stimulation of the development of regions», which was adopted in 2005 and the law «On the Basics of State Regional Policy», which was adopted in 2015. How to harmonize these two laws and respond to the needs of the border regions with Russia, which are a separate type of territories with development problems for which conventional instruments for stimulating regional development do not work.
Since 1995, Ukraine has become a full member of the Council of Europe and today the largest Council of Europe office among the other member countries operates in Ukraine. One of the areas of cooperation in Ukraine was the introduction of the nomination «Local self-government – it's us!» initiated by the Council of Europe at the International Children's TV Festival «Dytiatko». The nomination is aimed at encouraging teens to use audio-visual tools to tell their own vision of the results of local government reform, about the present and future of the region where they live.
By the end of 2017, within the framework of the component to improve the quality of local services of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, it is planned to open 26 centers for providing administrative services in the amalgamated hromadas, including the first mobile center in Ukraine. The centers opened under the program are pilot projects. All positive developments will be generalized and will be applied in the next phase of the program, the goal of which is to support the creation of 600 centers by 2020.
Віталій Погосян. Директор Департаменту економіки і інвестицій Вінницької міської ради
Vitaliy POGOSYAN. Director of the Department of Economics and Investment of the Vinnytsia City Council
One of the effective mechanisms for attracting investments and further economic development of the city of Vinnytsia is the creation and transparent functioning of industrial parks. Therefore, with the active assistance and supervision of the Vinnytsia City Council, it is planned to organize the work of two industrial parks, created recently in the city: «Vinnytsia Industrial Park» and «Vinnytsia Cluster of Refrigeration Engineering».
Василь Федюк. Радник з питань координації та планування регіонального розвитку Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Vasyl FEDYUK. Regional Development Coordination and Planning Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
Today, the world is witnessing a trend towards the restoration and strengthening of the global economy. The vast majority of developed countries, as well as developing countries, is in a state of recovery and growth. The economy of European countries is recovering and gaining momentum. This opens up opportunities for Ukraine not only to stabilize the economic situation, but, taking advantage of this trend and attracting significant investments, moving to rapid dynamic growth.
The Regional Development Policy and Action Team of U-LEAD with Europe Programme initiated the programme to help the most active communities prepare specialists in the field of public-private partnership and provide information and consulting support for the development and implementation of PPP projects in partnerships selected by partner communities Zhitomir, Ternopil, Truskavets, Dolina cities, as well as Trostyanetskaya and Shatskaya amalgamated hromadas.
Валерій Петренко. Генеральний директор корпорації «Українські атомні прилади та системи»
Valery Petrenko. Director General, Ukrainian Atom Instruments and Systems Corporation
Public-private partnership in action: a description of the practical experience of implementing the PPP project by the Ukrainian Atomic Appliances and Systems Corporation, which invested 2.8 million UAH in the conversion of the boiler house in the city of Oster in the Chernihiv region.
The main problem of open management is its practical application in practice, for which it is necessary to fully develop the skills, the level of professional training and the value system of local government officials. For public servants, new knowledge and skills are required to receive and apply the necessary competencies, especially to create conditions for productive all-round communication with citizens and for joint adoption of effective management decisions.
Іван ФУРСЕНКО. Член консорціуму з реалізації Ініціативи «Мери за економічне зростання», перший заступник керівника виконавчої дирекції Всеукраїнської асоціації органів місцевого самоврядування «Всеукраїнська асоціація сільських та селищних рад»
Ivan Fursenko. A member of the consortium for the implementation of the Mayors for Economic Growth Initiative, the first deputy head of the executive directorate of the All-Ukrainian Association of Local Self-Government Bodies «The All-Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils»
«Mayors for Economic Growth» is an EU initiative aimed at assisting the local authorities of the Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, where municipalities will be invited to develop local economic development plans based on good governance and public-private dialogue, to identify the necessary practical measures, and ultimately to propose projects aimed at stimulating growth, development and increasing employment.
Руслан Співак. Директор департаменту корпоративних продуктів, партнерства та продажів Райффайзен Банку Аваль
Ruslan SPIVAK. Director of the Department of Corporate Products, Partnerships and Sales of Raiffeisen Bank Aval
In 2016, Raiffeisen Bank Aval launched the financing program «Energy Efficient Solutions», which is aimed at corporate, medium and small businesses. Often large companies and holdings have their own specialized energy audit units and are aware of their energy saving needs. However, not all companies, especially small and medium businesses, can direct their own working capital to increase energy efficiency. The bank offers a solution.
Віктор Терес. Голова правління Міжнародного благодійного фонду «Добробут громад»
Viktor TERES. Chairman of the Board of the International Charitable Fund «Community Wellbeing»
Every year, more and more agricultural cooperatives are growing in Ukraine. The International Charitable Fund «Community Wellbeing» has gained experience in supporting rural communities and developing small agricultural producers' organizations. The fund renders advisory and financial assistance to small producers (owners of personal peasant farms, family farms). One of the key principles of the activity is the «share a gift» – according to which each beneficiary of the assistance shares the equivalent of the received assistance with another family.
Олександр ПОКРИШКА. Генеральний директор Українського державного фонду підтримки фермерських господарств
Alexander POKRYSHKA. Director General of the State Farmers Support Fund of Ukraine
In 2018, the Government plans to allocate 1 billion UAH for the development and support of farming. This means that the State Farmers support fund continues to progress confidently towards the development of the farmer's profession in Ukraine. To this end, the Fund initiates a project to create an All-Ukrainian network business incubator. This incubator will aim to support the diversification of of agricultural production, promote cooperation and stimulate rural employment.
Ірина Озимок. Керівник Програми місцевого економічного розвитку Western NIS Enterprise Fund. Співзасновник Міжнародного саміту мерів
Iryna Ozymok. Manager of Local Economic Development Program Western NIS Enterprise Fund, founder of the International Summit of Mayors
Money needs to be earned, and to this end, innovative ideas, projects, solutions are more helpful than typical business. This is especially so when talking about cities. For example, Israeli cities do not seek grants for projects, but invest from the local budget to create conditions for the development of innovative business and attract entrepreneurs from all over the world, thereby supporting public involvement in solving the problems of the city, and creating an atmosphere of common creativity.
Віктор Шовкалюк. Директор Департаменту інноваційної діяльності та трансферу технологій Міністерства освіти і науки України
Viktor SHOVKALYUK. Director of the Department of Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
In the modern world, the country's economic development is determined not so much by natural resources or production volumes as by the ability of business entities to generate and introduce new ideas. Innovative infrastructure is the engine of innovation development, it creates favorable conditions for effective activity and development of small innovative enterprises that implement original scientific and technical ideas. In the regions of Ukraine, 21 scientific parks are already functioning, their main task is to promote the commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions.
Олексій ДОРОГАНЬ. Керівник проекту PRO – Платформа ефективного регулювання
Alexei Dorogan. Project Manager Platform for Effective Regulation (PRO)
Want to open your own bakery or photo studio, become a family doctor, or open a gas station, but do not know where to start? Experts of the Office of Effective Regulation BRDO know how to do this. Supported by the Ministry of Economic Development, BRDO developed the Platform for Effective Regulation (PRO), where the steps that you need to go to start your own business are described to the smallest detail. From the procedures and permissions to the documents which you need to obtain. Some of the procedures can already be done online, directly on the portal.
Михайло Беліков. Керівник Центру підтримки бізнесу м. Києва
Mikhail Belikov. Head of the Business Support Center of Kyiv
Within the framework of the EU4Business initiative covering the Eastern Partnership countries, funding is provided for consulting, information, training and other support to SMEs in Ukraine. The EBRD also supports direct financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. A network of 15 business support centers across the country has already been established and started operating, half of which are operated by the regional branches of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Олександр Хоруженко. Директор Сумського підрозділу установи «Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування» Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Oleksandr Khoruzhenko. Director of the Sumy branch of the Local Government Development Center, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
One of the tasks the local self-government bodies of amalgamated hromadas are faced with is to ensure security and law and order. The «Community Security Center» project for the amalgamated hromadas of the Sumy region was developed using the example of an existing fire station in one of the provinces of Belgium. According to the concept of the project, the center of emergency medical aid, emergency management and law enforcement will be housed in one building.
Артем САЧУК. Директор Агенції регіонального розвитку Житомирської області
Artem Sachuk. Director of the Regional Development Agency of Zhytomyr region
Regional development agencies should become an effective instrument of regional policy. Zhytomyr region has a vast unrealized investment potential. The regional administration and the regional council have already decided to create Regional Development Agency. Now it is necessary to understand whom to invite to the supervisory board, how to get financing for the first time and where to look for «long-term capital» to ensure organizational capacity and persistence, and how to develop regional development projects.
Інна Іщенко. Директор Департаменту економічного розвитку, торгівлі та залучення інвестицій Полтавської обласної державної адміністрації
Inna Ishchenko. Director of the Department for Economic Development, Trade and Investment Promotion of the Poltava Regional State Administration
In October in Poltava for the first time the International Economic Forum «Poltava region – creating new opportunities together!» was held. Its participants learned about the achievements in the development of industry and agriculture, and were introduced to the investment attractiveness and export potential of the Poltava region. A number of memorandums on cooperation were signed at the Forum. Also, winners of the «Horizons of Poltava» project competition were awarded.
Олександр Дудка. Радник з питань комунікацій та поінформованості у сфері регіональної політики Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою», координатор Всеукраїнської мережі фахівців і практиків з регіонального та місцевого розвитку РЕГІОНЕТ
Oleksandr Dudka. Regional Police Awareness and Communications Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme, coordinator of the All-Ukrainian Network of Specialists and Practitioners on Regional and Local Development REGIONET
A Group of advisers of the RDPA Team of U-LEAD with Europe Programme presented tools and formats of communication support for the state regional policy in the House of Decentralization. The presentation was held during the lunch break in the format of a Brown Bag Lunch. This format allows to feed both the stomach and the brain. It also became a wonderful way of exchanging information between different units of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
В'ячеслав Топоров. Радник з розробки та впровадження проектів Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Vyacheslav TOPOROV. Project Cycle Management Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The submission of project proposals in the framework of the Call for Regional Development Projects has completed. In total, the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine received 507 development projects, distributed among five programmes. The selection of projects for financing is under way and is expected to be finalized in December 2017. Meanwhile, the high participation rate and creativity of applicants demonstrate their interest, and the importance of such calls for the implementation of regional policy in Ukraine.
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