Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
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Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
Матеріали базового навчання для кандидатів на участь у РЕГІОНЕТ викладено на порталі мережі у вільному доступі
Відеозаписи, зроблені мережею РЕГІОНЕТ: власні заходи та заходи партнерів мережі
Журнал "Стратегія розвитку" №9 (жовтень, 2018) включає наступні статті:
On September 20, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko gave his annual message to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. His statement was based on the "Analytical report to the annual message of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On the internal and external situation of Ukraine in 2018", which was prepared by the National Institute for Strategic Studies. 1316 pages of the Analytical Report that covers all areas of our lives cannot be reflected in our magazine – therefore the editorial board has selected only a few fragments that cover issues related to the implementation of the new state regional policy.
Василь КАШЕВСЬКИЙ. Національний радник з питань планування регіонального розвитку та впровадження проектів Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Vasyl KASHEVSKYI. Regional Development Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
In 2019, regional state administrations will begin preparing regional development strategies and action plans for their implementation for the period between 2021 and 2027. It is necessary to take into account the lessons that Ukraine received from 2015 to 2018 while preparing these strategies. It is necessary that the systems for creating strategic planning documents at the regional level fully meet the requirements of the state regional policy. In addition, it is important to take into account global trends and the successful European experience in stimulating the innovative development of Europe’s regions.
Today one of Ukraine’s most important tasks is to introduce best practices in organizing the work of regional development agencies. It is these institutions that can ensure the optimal combination of the interests of the private sector with state, regional and local initiatives within a particular territory. The key task of Ukrainian regional development agencies should be the qualitative coordination of the processes of strategic planning and the development and implementation of regional development projects with the involvement of a wide range of partners.
Сергій ЧЕРНОВ. Президент Всеукраїнської асоціації органів місцевого самоврядування «Українська асоціація районних та обласних рад», Голова Харківської обласної ради
Serhii CHERNOV. President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Local Self-Government "Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils", Head of the Kharkiv Regional Council
The All-Ukrainian seminar for representatives of local governments, which is held annually by the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, is aimed at developing a dialogue between representatives of local governments and government bodies. The interactive format of the event allows participants to consider the existing problems and practical issues that arise among representatives of local government in the exercise of their powers: the processes of reforming the administrative-territorial structure, financial decentralization, and medical and educational reform.
Максим МАРТИНЮК. Перший заступник Міністра аграрної політики та продовольства України
Maksym MARTYNYUK. First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
The focus of the attention of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is on Land auctions for the transfer of state-owned land plots for lease, the transfer of agricultural land outside the settlements to the amalgamated hromadas, and financial support for farmers. A simplification of the use of funds provided in the state budget to provide financial support for the development of farms will be a significant incentive for the development of farming.
![]() Андрій АНІСІМОВ. Перший заступник голови Київської обласної державної адміністрації Andrii ANISIMOV. First Deputy Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration |
![]() Сергій КОНОНЕНКО. В.о. директора Агенції регіонального розвитку Київської області Serhii KONONENKO. Acting director of the Regional Development Agency of the Kyiv Region |
The Regional Development Agency of the Kyiv Region was recently created by the Kyiv Regional State Administration, the Kyiv Regional Council, the Kyiv Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Bilotserkivskyi National Agrarian University and the Public organization "Society of Researchers of Ukraine". It is based on the principles of partnership between the state, private and public sectors. The agency focuses its activities on improving the competitiveness of the region and has ambitious plans in the area of implementing the state regional policy.
Наталія МЕЛЬНИК. Директор Департаменту економіки та інвестицій виконавчого органу Київської міської ради (Київської міської державної адміністрації)
Nataliia MELNYK. Director of the Department of Economics and Investments of the Executive Board of the Kyiv City Council (the Kyiv City State Administration)
Kyiv, as one of the capitals of Europe, adheres to modern trends. For the second year in a row it embodies the ideas of smart-specialization. Recently, Kyiv has been identified as a participant in the project "Development of Innovative Infrastructure and Improvement of the Innovation Policy of the Regions of Ukraine on the basis of "smart specialization", which includes improving institutional capacity, improving innovation infrastructure, implementing the principles of smart specialization, and other new tools for implementing regional innovation policy.
Віталій ПОГОСЯН. Директор департаменту економіки і інвестицій Вінницької міської ради
Vitalii POHOSIAN. Director of the Department of Economics and Investment of the Vinnytsia City Council
There are two industrial parks in Vinnitsa of the 31 industrial parks included in the Register of Industrial Parks of Ukraine. Among the factors which contributed to investors choosing Vinnytsia, the main one is that they receive ready infrastructure support there – roads, communications, and power supply, as well as assistance in negotiating the process of obtaining permits. Because of this the opening of a refrigeration equipment plant for the UBC Group company took place at the beginning of September 2018 in the industrial park "Vinnytsia Cluster of Refrigeration Engineering".p>
Галина ВОЛЯНИК. Директор Департаменту економічного розвитку і торгівлі Тернопільської ОДА
Galyna VOLIANYK. Director of the Department of Economic Development and Trade of the Ternopil Regional State Administration
The project "Successful activities of the first Ukrainian business support centers and consulting centers for businesses in the amalgamated hromadas of the Ternopil Region" was the winner in a competition for regional development projects that can be implemented using the state budget funds received from the EU. A network of business support centers has been established in Ternopil Oblast, including a regional centre under the Ternopil Oblast State Administration, and three centres in the Berezhansky, Kremenetsky, and Chertkovsky districts. Their successful work with informational and consulting support for entrepreneurs led to the development of a project for the further development of the network, which then won a competition and will receive funding from the European Union under the Sector Policy Support Programme.
![]() Людмила ГОНЧАРЕНКО. т.в.о. директора департаменту агропромислового розвитку Львівської ОДА Liudmyla HONCHARENKO. Acting director, Department of Agricultural Development of the Lviv Regional State Administration |
![]() Антон МІЛЬЧЕВИЧ. Керівник агротуристичного кластера і сільськогосподарського обслуговуючого кооперативу «ГорбоГори», власник фермерського господарства «Радвань-Нова» Anton MILCHEVICH. Head of the agrotourism cluster and agricultural cooperative "HorboHory", owner of the farm "Radvan-Nova" |
![]() Зеновій ДРЕВНЯК. Голова Львівського обласного фонду підтримки будівництва на селі Zenovii DREVNIAK. Head of the Lviv Regional Fund for construction support in villages |
The project "Development of rural entrepreneurship and infrastructure in the HorboHory agro-tourism cluster" was the winner in a competition for regional development projects that can be implemented using the state budget funds received from the EU. The essence of the project is the cooperation of agricultural and tourist enterprises in the Pustomytovsky district of the Lviv Region and the city of Lviv. According to the plan of the project, it will promote the agricultural products of local producers, develop tourism infrastructure, and also create new jobs for the residents of Pustomytovsky and neighbouring areas.
Вадим ЛОЗОВИЙ. Голова Хмельницької ОДА
Vadym LOZOVYI. Head of the Khmelnytsky Regional State Administration
The project "Ensuring the needs of the greenhouse market with qualified workers" was the winner in a competition for regional development projects that can be implemented using the state budget funds received from the EU. Its goals are to develop vocational training Programmes, conduct training and vocational guidance for the redevelopment and reorientation of labourers depending on the needs of the regional labour market, raising public awareness about the organization, and implementing entrepreneurial activities.
Олександр ШЕКА. Начальник управління туризму, рекреації та курортів Одеської ОДА
Oleksandr SHEKA. Head of the Department of tourism, recreation, and resorts of the Odesa Regional State Administration
The project "Creation and promotion of an integrated tourist product for the domestic and world tourist market of the city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, Odesa region" was the winner in a competition for regional development projects that can be implemented using the state budget funds received from the EU. The implementation of the project will make it possible to intensify the use of the tourist potential of the city, which has 35 monuments of architecture and urban planning, 18 historical monuments, 3 archaeological monuments, and 1 piece of monumental art.
Сергій САВЧЕНКО. Член-кореспондент Національної академії педагогічних наук України, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, ректор Луганського національного університету ім. Тараса Шевченка
Serhii SAVCHENKO. Correspondent-Member of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko
The project of Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko "University TV and Radio Studio as a means of forming the Ukrainian youth media space in the region" was the winner in a competition for regional development projects that can be implemented using the state budget funds received from the EU. Its purpose is to create a basis for students to practice in the specialities of "journalism" and "film and TV art" and to form a common information space together with regional television and radio companies for educational activities on the territory of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.
Валерія ДІДКОВСЬКА. Радниця з комунікацій Дніпропетровського ЦМРС
Valeriya DIDKOVSKA. Communications Advisor of the Dnepropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre
In the Mohylyov amalgamated hromada of the Dnepropetrovsk region 12 entrepreneurs united into an agricultural service cooperative "First Berry". This ensured the formation of berry growing territory with a total area of 30 hectares and the possibility of conducting joint marketing activities. The members of the cooperative are currently working on developing their own brand and are also planning for a revival of the ancient berry festival. A team of experts from the Dnepropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre is helping them with project management training and in finding partners for further development.
Ольга КРАСОВСЬКА. старший консультант проект FORBIZ з питань політики розвитку МСП, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту економічних досліджень та політичних консультацій
Olha KRASOVSKA. Senior SME Policy Advisor at FORBIZ, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting
The FORBIZ project – the creation of a better business environment, is being implemented under the EU4Business umbrella initiative, which covers European Programmes and projects aimed at supporting business in the Eastern Partnership countries – Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. With the support of the FORBIZ project, a strategy for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine for the period to 2020 and an action plan for its implementation were developed, and a methodology was created for long-term planning for small and medium-sized businesses at the regional, city and amalgamated hromada levels.
![]() Олександр ГОЛУБОВ. Радник з питань розвитку спроможності Програми «U-LEAD з Європою» Oleksandr HOLUBOV. Capacity Development Advisor for the U-LEAD with Europe Programme |
![]() Юрій КОБАЛ. Міжнародний експерт зі сталого розвитку, директор компанії Oikos, Словенія Yurii KOBAL. International Expert on Sustainable Development, Director of Oikos, Slovenia |
As part of the implementation of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, much attention is paid to the organization of study visits involving the exchange of knowledge, skills, or practical advice. Study visits help participants learn topics they cannot learn in their own work environment. In addition, study visits focus on modern and effective standards and methods that expand the knowledge base, and they provide networking between Ukrainian and foreign practitioners.
![]() Ірина ВУЙЦИК. Фахівець з моніторингу та оцінки Регіонального хабу для Західної України Програми «U-LEAD з Європою» Iryna VUITSYK. Expert in monitoring and evaluation for the Regional hub for western Ukraine for the U-LEAD with Europe Programme |
![]() Дмитро КЛИМЕНКО. Радник з комунікацій Житомирського ЦРМС Dmytro KLYMENKO. Communications Advisor for the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre |
As part of one of the strategic directions of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Regional Hub for Western Ukraine has been organizing international study visits for Ukrainian local government representatives since 2017. Exchanges of experience and acquaintance with the best practitioners have already taken place thanks to visits to Poland, Slovenia, Austria, and Romania. In selecting participants, the Programme uses a sectoral approach in accordance with the developed thematic packages in the field of spatial planning and infrastructure development, water supply and sanitation, waste recycling, energy efficiency, and the like.
Людмила ДАМЕНЦОВА. Заступник директора Центрального офісу впровадження децентралізаційної реформи Асоціації міст України
Liudmyla DAMENTSOVA. Deputy Director of the central implementation office for decentralized reform of the Association of Cities of Ukraine
In accordance with the Methodology for the formation of viable territorial hromadas, it is precisely small towns that are chosen as the administrative centres of the amalgamated hromadas. However, they often face the problems of a lack of professional staff and insufficient financial resources. The Association of Cities of Ukraine, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme is launching the implementation of the project "Assisting the strategic development of territorial communities of small cities", which includes a set of practical measures to develop strategies for the development of territorial communities, plans for their implementation, and appropriate monitoring systems.
Валентина ПОЛТАВЕЦЬ. Виконавчий директор Асоціації об’єднаних територіальних громад
Valentyna POLTAVETS. Executive Director of the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas
The Association of Amalgamated Hromadas and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme signed a memorandum of cooperation on the implementation of the project "Implementation of effective municipal management tools and legal assistance to communities". The objectives of the project are to provide basic legal assistance to local governments on issues arising from the implementation of the right to voluntary association with and affiliation to territorial communities, as well as the introduction of effective tools of modern municipal management into the activities of the local government bodies of amalgamated hromadas.
Анатолий ШАЛАЄВ. Радник з питань комунікації Київського ЦРМС
Anatolii SHALAIEV. Communications Advisor of the Kyiv Local Government Development Centre
The Kyiv Local Government Development Centre conducts consistent educational work involving the best specialists from Ukraine and the EU. Training participants study the work of the amalgamated hromadas’ press services, learn the secrets of journalistic work, and the work of press services, get acquainted with new tools to increase awareness of the territory, and use elements of marketing. In the near future, the centre plans to conduct training for the hromadas of the Kyiv region for writing a communication strategy and the creation of their own mass media from scratch.
Тетяна ТИМОШЕНКО. Керівник проекту «Туркластер 300+», радник з питань регіонального розвитку Київського ЦРМС
Tetiana TYMOSHENKO. Head of the project "Tour-Cluster 300+", Advisor on regional development for the Kyiv ocal Government Development Centre
Ukraine has huge tourism potential, but today many of our compatriots are attracted to foreign resorts. With modern technologies and the use of successful development strategies, Ukraine’s lag in this field can be overcome in 10-20 years. The project "Tour-Clusters 300+" has its own strategy for the development of the tourism industry. The experience of forming the first tourism cluster in Ukraine in the town of Chyhyryn in 2015 allows us to plan the creation of 300+ destinations over 3 years that will be competitive at the regional, national, European and international levels.
Володимир ШАЙДА. Начальник відділу маркетингу та реклами ДП «СЕТАМ»
Volodymyr SHAYDA. Head of marketing and advertising department of the SE "SETAM"
Three years ago, the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice began large-scale reform of the seized property market, because the old system was closed, ineffective, and corrupt. A state system of electronic auctions was created. In September 2018, SETAM and the State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre presented a pilot project for introducing electronic land tenders, which already have the first lots: lease rights to 10 plots with a total area of 210 hectares. According to the calculations of the government, the growth of revenues to local budgets from the transfer of state-owned land for rent in a year and a half will exceed 1 billion UAH.
Олексій ЛЮБЕЦЬКИЙ. Директор з розвитку компанії AuxBridge
Oleksii LIUBETSKYI. Director of Business Development, AuxBridge
Ukrainian cities are just starting their way to the "smart city". Basically, the urban systems of Ukrainian cities are informationally fragmented, which reduces the level of coordination between police units, firefighters, doctors, and the like. At the same time, IT companies are ready to introduce such integrated systems, which are simultaneously capable of ensuring the functions of interaction between local governments and city residents. One of these systems is PeopleCity, which allows you to use any communication tool: a mobile phone, tablet, or a desktop computer.
Андрій ЗЮЗЬ. Провідний аналітик громадської організації «Суспільне Око»
Andrii ZIUZ. Lead analyst of the non-governmental organization "Public View"
Geographic information systems and technologies – they are the most up-to-date information and analytical tools in the world, which are widely used in almost all spheres of human activity. They solve the task of the practical visualization of space-time information, events, and objects in the most "natural" way for a person to understand data – in the geospatial dimension in real-time in a specific place. Modern GIS are able to fully meet the information needs of local authorities, and can improve the quality of management decision-making, which corresponds to the urgent needs of society.
Для того, щоб краще розуміти потреби своїх читачів редакція вирішила, що не буде розміщувати електронну версію журналу у бібліотеках, а розповсюджувати журнал методами дірект мейлу – безкоштовно розсилати лише тим, хто заповнив "Заявку" за посиланням: Goo.gl/pHE3AF