Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
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Короткі рекомендації про те, як взяти участь у відборі до РЕГІОНЕТ і стати учасником мережі
Матеріали базового навчання для кандидатів на участь у РЕГІОНЕТ викладено на порталі мережі у вільному доступі
Відеозаписи, зроблені мережею РЕГІОНЕТ: власні заходи та заходи партнерів мережі
Журнал "Стратегія розвитку" №7 (квітень, 2018) включає наступні статті:
Сергій МАКСИМЕНКО. Заступник керівника Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Serhiy MAKSYMENKO. Deputy Technical Team Leader/Institutional Development Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine and the Regional Development in Policy and Action Team held a strategy session for «Regional Development». Together with the discussion of priority directions for implementation of the state regional policy in 2018, the participants discussed the introduction of a system for monitoring regional development based on the methodology of calculating the Regional Competitiveness Index and the Regional Human Development Index. This will take into account the practical experience in this area of the leading Ukrainian scientific institutions and as will follow as close as possible the methods of the European Commission (EU Regional Competitiveness Index) and UNDP (Human Development Index).
Юрій ТРЕТЯК. Керівник Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Yuri TRETYAK. Technical Team Leader, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The Regional Development in Policy and Action Team organized the first coordination meeting with the directors of regional development agencies from 12 regions of Ukraine. In addition to RDPA experts the other participants were representatives of the Regional Development Directorate of the Ministry of Regional Development, the Export Promotion Office under the Ministry of Economic Development, and UkraineInvest, the Ukrainian office for attracting and supporting of investment.
![]() Маттіас МОРГНЕР. Керівник з питань управління діяльністю Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою» Matthias MORGNER. Managerial Team Leader, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme |
![]() Василь ФЕДЮК. Радник з питань координації та планування регіонального розвитку Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою» Vasyl FEDYUK. Regional Development Coordination and Planning Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme |
The RDPA Team continues its cooperation on the implementation of public-private partnership projects with 6 pilot cities and amalgamated hromadas (the amalgamated hromadas of Trostyanetsk and Shatsk, and the cities Zhytomyr and Ternopil, Dolina, Truskavets). An important phase of the first stage of the project preparation was the development of conceptual notes by project teams, which serve as a preliminary feasibility study. Also, the U-LEAD with Europe Program, in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Economic Development, decided on the creation of a format for the further dissemination of public-private partnership instruments in amalgamated hromadas.
Яніна КАЗЮК. Координатор з фінансової децентралізації Центрального офісу реформ при Мінрегіоні
Yanina KAZIUK. Financial Decentralization Coordinator at the Central Reform Office under the Ministry of Regional Development
Over the three years of fiscal decentralization, local budget revenues grew 2.8 times, from 68.6 billion UAH in 2014 to 192.7 billion UAH in 2017. This was made possible by the empowerment of local self government bodies and their growing interest in increasing their local budget revenue and increasing the efficiency of administering taxes and fees. Also there was an increased volume of state budget support to local authorities for community development and infrastructure development – by 2018 for this provided more than 19 billion UAH
Максим МАРТИНЮК. Перший заступник Міністра аграрної політики та продовольства України
Maksym MARTYNYUK. First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
On February 7 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved programs to support the agrarian sector in key areas within the State Budget for 2018. The total amount of support will be UAH 6.3 billion versus UAH 5.5 billion in the previous year. The main task is to stop negative trends in the now-stagnating branches and lay an effective foundation for the growth of the entire agro-industrial complex
Олександр РИЖЕНКО. Голова Державного агентства з питань електронного урядування України
Oleksandr RYZHENKO. Head of the State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine
The State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine makes every effort to improve the quality of the public administration. Some areas follow the best experiences of leading countries on particular topics. In some areas Ukraine is becoming a leader and an example to others. Further rapid development of our country is possible not only due to the implementation of sectoral reforms, but also with the use of revolutionary approaches and the most promising technologies provided by the Concept for E-Government Development in Ukraine until 2020.
В'ячеслав ТОПОРОВ. Радник з розробки та впровадження проектів Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Vyacheslav TOPOROV. Project Cycle Management Advisor, Regional Development in Policy and Action, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The competition for regional development projects that can be implemented at the expense of state budget funds from the European Union has become a step towards a new regional policy based on strategic vision, coherence, and transparency of priorities and decision-making. To date, much has been achieved in this direction, and the competition itself has been distinguished by a number of innovations that brought the competition closer to the best world practices. Further improvement should turn the competition into a model event in the area of effective use of public funds.
Віктор ШОВКАЛЮК. Директор Департаменту інноваційної діяльності та трансферу технологій Міністерства освіти та науки України
Viktor SHOVKALYUK. Director of the Department for Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
The Ministry of Education and Science took an active part in the competition of regional development projects, which can be implemented at the expense of the state budget funds received from the European Union. As a result, 21 projects were submitted for five regional development programs at the educational and scientific institutions at the Ministry: «Innovative Economy and Investments», «Human Development», «Rural Development», «Tourism Development» and «All-Ukrainian Solidarity». The winners of the competitionwere 10 projects which will receive 78.9 million UAH for their implementation.
![]() Віталій ГРИГА. Cтарший науковий співробітник ДУ «Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України», к.е.н. Vitaly GRYGA. Senior researcher of Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences |
![]() Юлія РИЖКОВА. Науковий співробітник ДУ «Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України» Julia RYZHKOVA. Researcher of Institute for Economics and Forecasting, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences |
In Ukraine, the process of implementation of the concept of smart specialization has been initiated – the project «The Development of Innovation Infrastructure and Improvement of Innovation policy in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of "smart specialization"». This project should turn innovation into a significant factor of economic development at the regional level by improving the methodology and practices of developing the innovation infrastructure of Ukraine's regions and also developing innovation policy through the creation of innovative clusters. These will establish a permanent dialogue between the subjects of innovation activity. Further development will be encouraged by implementing «smart specialization» principles and using new instruments for the implementation of regional innovation initiatives.
![]() Ігор ЦЕПЕНДА. Ректор ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет ім. Василя Стефаника», доктор політичних наук, професор IGOR TSEPENDA. Rector of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Grand PhD in political science, Professor |
![]() Світлана КРОПЕЛЬНИЦЬКА. Заступник завідуючого кафедрою фінансів з питань проектно-грантової та міжнародної діяльності, Координатор Регіональної експертної спільноти мережі РЕГІОНЕТ в Івано-Франківській області, к.е.н, доцент Svitlana KROPELNYTSKA. Deputy Head of the Department of Finance on Project-Grants and International Activities of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Coordinator of the REGION Network in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Ph.D., Associate Professor |
Most regions of Ukraine face the problem of insufficient capacities of people for the implementation of regional policy and the management of regional development on a project-based approach. The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University proposes to solve this problem in the Ivano-Frankivsk region through the creation of a Design and Educational Center for the Development of Innovations and Investments whose activities will be aimed not only at the development of the university, but will also serve the interests of a wide range of other groups targeted by the project, including state authorities, local self-government, and territorial communities.
Сергій НЕДІЛЬКО. Начальник Льотної академії Національного авіаційного університету, д.т.н., професор
Serhii NEDILKO. Head of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Grand PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor
In recent years the aviation industry around the world and in Ukraine has developed rapidly. The Ukrainian airline market needs 320 new pilots every year. At the same time, aviation education remains one of the most expensive in terms of the organization of practical training, for pilots in particular. Therefore, in order to maintain and update the existing base of the scientific-production complex of the Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, it is necessary to constantly look for additional sources of financing.
Олександр КУШНІР. Заступник голови Миколаївської обласної державної адміністрації
Oleksandr KUSHNIR. Deputy Head of the Mykolayiv Regional State Administration
Domestic practices regarding science and innovative businesses in Ukraine reflects poorly in comparison with developments abroad, and the trends are negative. While the rest of the world is in a 4th scientific and technological revolution, our entrepreneurs really risk being left behind by developments in the world economy. A solution to this problem is the project: «Innovation Cluster «RInnoHUB», initiated by the Mykolayiv Regional State Administration.
Олександр ПОКРИШКА. Генеральний директор Українського державного фонду підтримки фермерських господарств
Oleksandr POKRYSHKA. General Director of the State Farmers Support Fund of Ukraine
The project of the Ukrainian State Farmers Support Fund: «Creation of an All-Ukrainian Network Business Incubator for Agricultural Production Diversification and the Development of Cooperation in Rural Areas" provides for the creation of 50 multimedia distance-learning courses for self-study regarding areas relevant to the diversification of agricultural production and the stimulation of employment in the countryside. The training will include at least 10,000 people from 24 regions of Ukraine – active entrepreneurs who want to diversify and develop their business in rural areas, as well as beginners who want to start their entrepreneurial activities in rural areas.
![]() Ольга ТРОФІМЦЕВА. Заступник Міністра аграрної політики та продовольства України з питань європейської інтеграції Olga TROFIMTSEVA. Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration |
![]() Наталія ПРОКОПЧУК. Менеджер Проекту SECO-FiBL «Розвиток органічного ринку в Україні» Natalia PROKOPCHUK. Manager of SECO-FiBL Project «Organic Market Development in Ukraine» |
Due to its large amount of fertile agricultural land, ideal climatic conditions and proximity to potential international customers, Ukraine has favorable conditions for organic agriculture. The development of the organic agricultural market in Ukraine is one of the priority directions in the «3+5» Strategy of Reforms in the agrarian sector, based on the Integrated Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development for 2015-2020. This strategy was initiated and developed by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy in cooperation with local organic market participants and international partners. Experts from the Office for Support of Reforms under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy made a significant contribution to the implementation of the organic priorities within the strategy.
Олександр ЦЕПКО. Координатор проекту «Мери за економічне зростання» в Україні
Oleksandr TSEPKO. Country Coordinator – Ukraine, Mayors for Economic Growth project
A year ago, the European Union launched a new program initiative – Mayors for Economic Growth or M4EG, which covers six Eastern Partnership countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and will last until December 2020. M4EG aims to support the cooperation of local authorities with local partners: business representatives, civil society organizations, and government agencies, in order to improve the local business climate, create conditions for economic growth and create new jobs. As a result of the competition of these projects, 6 Ukrainian hromadas will receive financial support worth about 4.5 million EUR.
Юрій ШАРИЛО. Директор бюджетної установи «Методично-технологічний центр з аквакультури»
Yuri SHARYLO. Director of the budgetary institution «Methodological Technological Center for Aquaculture»
Ukraine possesses a huge reserve of water resources. Ukraine's internal reservoirs, in addition to resources for drinking water or other reserves, include fisheries. There is a potential for the development of Ukrainian aquaculture, which will allow for the implementation of all kinds of fish farming. With our climatic conditions, we have a competitive advantage in aquiculture. It would be wrong of us to not use the existing benefits in aquaculture development and fail to properly update our fish farming and adapt it to a changing environment. Today it is time for amalgamated hromadas to look at fish farming as one of the areas of entrepreneurial activity that can significantly affect local economic development.
Стівен ТАППЕР. Радник з економічних питань Групи радників з впровадження державної регіональної політики в Україні Програми «U-LEAD з Європою»
Steven TUPPER. Economic Adviser of Regional Development in Policy and Action, RDPA, U-LEAD with Europe Programme
With the ongoing alignment of many institutions and processes of Ukraine with those of the European Union and an increasing interest in the application of international best practice to the socio-economic development of Ukraine, perhaps it is now the right time to reflect upon the role of international agencies in Ukraine and particularly on the role ofinternational financial institutions (IFI). They are key partners in the reform process in Ukraine at all levels, including in the regions. It is essential that Ukrainian agencies and institutions do not miss an opportunity for cooperation with them. In the end of the day, they represent an extra source of know-how and a source of finance for specific projects that different regions may wish to develop.
Олег ПІЛАТ. Експерт Офісу ефективного регулювання
Oleg PILAT. Expert in the project «Open spatial planning»
Investor-builders report that the lack of open access to information about zoning is one of the significant problems for their activities. According to the results of studies conducted by the Office of Effective Regulation (BRDO) in 2017, it was revealed that only 8% of town planning documentation are published on the Internet. Until now, the urban cadastres of Ukraine have not been created – as a result, it is very difficult to obtain information needed for planning large infrastructure facilities. The BRDO project team has identified a concrete action plan, the implementation of which will provide a solution to this problem.
Юрій ПАЛЕХА. Заступник директора з наукової роботи, керівник Центру ГІС ДП «ДІПРОМІСТО», д.г.н., професор
Yuri PALEKHA. Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of the GIS Center of the State Enterprise «DIPROMISTO», Doctor of Geography, Professor
Lately a lot has been said аbout urban cadastres, even more than about land cadastres. However, there are very few cases of the real implementation of urban cadastres, although the Cabinet of Ministers document «On the Urban Cadastre of Settlements» appeared in 1993. Successful implementation of a system of urban cadastres at the national, regional and local levels depends on solving three problems: the introduction of a unified digital basis in the state coordinate system, the use of modern software, and updating town-planning documentation. This can only be achieved through the introduction of modern geoinformation technologies and the full use of the benefits of GIS.
Іван ФУРСЕНКО. Член консорціуму з реалізації Ініціативи «Мери за економічне зростання», перший заступник керівника виконавчої дирекції Всеукраїнської асоціації органів місцевого самоврядування «Всеукраїнська асоціація сільських та селищних рад»
Ivan FURSENKO. The first deputy head of the executive directorate of the All-Ukrainian Association of Local Self-Government Bodies: «The All-Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils»
At the initiative of The All-Ukrainian Association of Village and Settlement Councils, with the support of the USAID Agriculture and Rural Development Support Project, the pilot project «Organization of Land Management in the context of the decentralization reform» was implemented in 2017. The Kiptivska amalgamated hromada in Chernihiv region was chosen as as the pilot for the implementation of the proposed new approaches. According to the results of the project, the «Practical Instrument for Land Management for the amalgamated hromadas» was developed – an innovative suite of tools for sustainable community development and improving living standards through effective land management.
Станіслав ДЬОМІН. Архітектор, урбаніст, дизайнер, партнер проектно-виробничого бюро S3T, член містобудівної ради Києва
Stanislav DIOMIN. Architect, urbanist, designer, Partner at the design and production office S3T, Member of city planning council of Kyiv
The effectiveness of urban space can be measured by the number and duration of established positive contacts that take place within it, one’s desire to stay in it longer, allowing children to play without fear, being able to see retirees and disabled people managing their daily routines without difficulties. Much effort is required to achieve all this – but without this we will only have uncomfortable, unhealthy and unhygienic urban spaces which are not suited for people with limited mobility, where children need to be gripped firmly by the hand. Where those who can afford a car try not to walk at all, where people are not pleasing to each other, do not establish positive contacts, and do not form a society.
Ірина БЕГМА. Менеджер відділу розробки IT рішень KPMG в Україні
Iryna BEGMA. Manager of IT Development Solutions for KPMG in Ukraine
The amalgamated hromadas should become the basic element of an effective system of government in Ukraine with the right to independently address all issues related to school and pre-school education, primary health care, cultural institutions, as well as aspects of local development. The goal setting system used by KPMG in Ukraine for business companies can help amalgamated hromadas evolve and achieve their goals more effectively. Despite the fact that this tool is tailored to the specifics of the work of large companies, it can also become an effective IT tool for the economic growth of amalgamated hromadas and regions. For example, the system can motivate community members to set goals beyond their daily tasks, which can become a driver through which they will develop more ambitious goals which can positively influence economic development.
Cергій ПІДМОГИЛЬНИЙ. Координатор розвитку мережі Greenways Української асоціації активного та екологічного туризму
Sergii PIDMOGILNY. Coordinator of the Greenways network development at the Ukrainian Association for Active and Ecological Tourism
The process of decentralization, which is actively continuing in Ukraine in recent years, has pushed the amalgamated hromadas to actively search for «growth points». A significant number of the amalgamated hromadas see some in the development of green tourism. Abroad, green tourism is actively developing in the form of Greenways – creating multifunctional routes for non-motorized vehicles or walking along natural corridors, historic trade routes, rivers and abandoned railways. Greenways meet the needs of the local population and travelers, contributing to the development of the local economy.